Dr. Ksenia popov

Hi! I’m Ksenia, your best friend’s newest best friend! I was born in Ukraine (I do speak Russian) and grew up in New York City. My journey in life led me to Scotland, where I pursued my veterinary education. The University of Glasgow was a cherished part of my story. During my time there, I had the incredible opportunity to immerse myself in the local culture, explored the breathtaking landscapes, learned to love haggis, and embraced the warmth of its people. But my journey didn't stop there. I've always had a heart for service, which led me to travel to various corners of the world, including India, Portugal, Spain, Thailand, and Zimbabwe, to provide veterinary care to communities in need. These experiences shaped my approach to veterinary medicine, instilling in me a deep sense of empathy, resilience, and commitment to making a difference in the lives of both animals and people. Acupuncture is one of those things that doesn’t make sense - until you see it in action! My style of acupuncture can be described as Western (or woo-adjacent for you non-believers!).

I like to blend the reliability and scientific background of western medications and the functionality of natural therapies. I’m here to be your bridge between conventional medicine and the holistic. Let’s treat your pet as a WHOLE. There are so many new studies coming out about natural therapies and we are only beginning to see the tip of the iceberg! I created LAIKA because I enjoy spending time with my clients, patients and helping reach a true level of partnership and understanding. All of my clinical exams are thorough, gentle, judgment free and will help you learn more about your best friend.

LAIKA was named after my best friend and life companion, Leika. A street dog from Serbia, she’s traveled to more parts of the world than most people have! She is quite literally my muse in life and my soul. She's not just a pet; she's even more close than family—a reminder of the profound bond we share with our animal companions.

Training and certifications:

  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine - University of Glasgow Scotland, UK

  • CVAT Certified Veterinary Acupuncture Therapist

    • Canine Rehabilitation Institute CO USA

  • CCAT (in progress) - Certified Companion Animal Therapist

    • Rehabilitation (post surgical, aging, pain relief, conditioning)

    • North Carolina State University NC USA

  • Healing Touch for Animals Level 1 (in progress)

  • Ayurvedic Animal Wellness Consultant (in progress)

  • American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture Member (AAVA)

  • American Holistic Veterinary Association Member (AHVMA)

  • American Veterinary Medical Association Member (AVMA)

  • College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies Member (CIVT)

With LAIKA, I believe in providing personalized care that honors the unique bond between pets and their families. With a commitment to staying at the forefront of veterinary medicine, I spend my spare moments delving into the latest medical research articles to ensure that your furry companions receive the highest standard of care and the strategies we use are the most effective for healing.

Thank you for entrusting your pet's health and well-being to me. I look forward to serving you and your beloved pets with compassion, expertise, and a touch of wanderlust-inspired magic.